Templates for Plans, Standards and Verification Checklists
Templates for ARP 4754A / ED-79A
The process templates and checklists have been written by AFuzion and are being used in various certification projects worldwide. These templates provide the basis for the development and certification of aviation systems following the ARP 4754A / ED-79A and ARP 4761/A standards.
ARP 4754A / ED-79A requires planning and system life cycle documents for certification, safety, requirements, design, configuration management, quality assurance, validation and verification. Using these templates for the generation of the required documents greatly facilitates their preparation and subsequent approval.
Also, ARP 4754A / ED-79A requires reviews, audits and proof of completion. The best proof of completion is to complete a detailed and comprehensive checklist covering the main planning and development activities of the system life cycle.
Creating planning and system lifecycle documents and review checklists from scratch is a labor-intensive and error-prone task. Using the templates provided greatly simplifies this effort and reduces the errors that are made when performing an activity for the first time.
ARP 4754A / ED-79A Plans and Standards Templates
System Functional Hazard Assessment Template
PASA Preliminary Aircraft Safety Assessment Template
PSSA Preliminary System Safety Assessment Template
Project Specific Certification Plan Template
Safety Program Plan Template
System Process Assurance Plan Template
System Development Plan Template
System Requirements Management Plan Template
System Configuration Management Plan Template
System Validation & Verification Plan Template
System Requirements Standard Template
System Design Standards Template
System Validation & Verification Standards Template
Failure Modes & Effects Analysis Template
ARP 4754A / ED-79A Checklist Templates
Project Specific Certification Plan Checklist
Safety Program Plan Checklist
System Process Assurance Plan Checklist
System Development Plan Checklist
Requirements Management Plan Checklist
System Configuration Management Plan Checklist
Validation & Verification Plan Checklist
System Requirements Standards Checklist
System Design Standards Checklist
FMEA/FMES Review Checklist
System Requirements Data Review Checklist
System Design Review Checklist
System Validation Results Checklist
System Validation & Verification Standards Checklist
System Configuration Index Checklist
ARP4754A Objectives Checklist