Tool qualification suite according to DO-330, ISO-26262

Applicable to
DO-178B, DO-178C / ED-12B, ED-12C / DO-278A / ED-109A
What is the qualification of software verification tools?
We offer the possibility to qualify our own or commercial verification tools. We subject the tool to a multitude of test cases and provide a detailed report with the results and their analysis. In addition to the test cases, we offer the possibility to add, customize or remove cases according to the customer's needs. Along with the test suite, qualification documentation is provided.
We establish close contact with our customers and guide them through the qualification process. Our support in the execution of test cases is of particular importance.
What we offer
Creation of
custom test cases
We study the functionality of the tool the customer is interested in and design the relevant test cases.
We offer a flexible tool, in which new customized test cases can be easily incorporated.
We provide qualification documentation
It includes two main documents:
- Tool Operational Requirements (TOR), where the requirements to be met by the tool are described.
- Tool Operational Verification & Validation Cases and Procedures (TOVVCP), including a detailed description of test cases
Certification according to different standards and programming languages
We are familiar with certification standards such as MISRA-C 2004, 2012 and 2023, MISRA-C++ 2023 or ICAO ADS-B.
We have worked with tools based on C, C++ and LUA.

Support and advisory services
We offer support with respect to the implementation and use of our tool. In addition, we offer advice on the correct development of the tool to ensure its compliance with the standard.
Maintenance during development
We accompany our customers during the development of their proprietary tool, providing consecutive versions of the qualification suite in order to adapt to their needs at all times.
How we do it

Tool Qualification Plan (TQP)
Tool qualification plan
Tool Operational Requirements (TOR)
Specification of operational requirements
Tool Operational Verification and Validation Cases and Procedures (TOVVCP)
- Specification of test cases
- Configuration files in which test cases are included: allow to add new test cases
The qualification suite
Python script-based tool that executes test cases and generates various detailed reports of the results
- Python code
- Configuration files
Tool Configuration Index
Tool identification and configuration
Tool Accomplishment Summary
Differences between the qualification plan and the qualification achieved
Commercial static source code analysis tools
We have qualified several commercial tools according to the following standards:
MISRA C 2004
MISRA C 2012
MISRA C 2023
In development...
Scheduled for June 2025...
MISRA C++ 2023
Proprietary tools
We have qualified several proprietary tools according to the following standards:
ADS-B message monitoring. We support ICAO downlink format DF-0 to DF-24 messages (Annex 10, Volume 4).
In development...
ADS-B Asterix message monitoring. Support of the following categories:
- CAT 001 (version 1.4)
- CAT 002 (version 1.1)
- CAT 004 (version 1.13)
- CAT 008 (version 1.3)
- CAT 010 (version 1.1, 4)
- CAT 017 (version 1.3)
- CAT 018 (version 1.8)
- CAT 021 (version 0.23, 1.8, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6)
- CAT 022 (version 0.10)
- CAT 023 (version 1.2, 1.3)
- CAT 025 (version 1.5)
- CAT 034 (version 1.29)
- CAT 048 (version 1.31)
- CAT 063 (version 1.6)
- CAT 065 (version 1.6)
- CAT 240 (version 1.3)
- CAT 247 (version 1.3)