Online training course
Taught in English by AFuzion

February 10 - 13, 2025
1:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (CET - Madrid) (CET - Madrid)
4:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. (PDT - Los Angeles)
18 hours
4 days × 4.5h
We present the XX edition
This edition will be held online, live, from Los Angeles (USA). The course will be interactive, with the possibility of asking questions on the fly. The course is distributed in 4 modules of 4.5 hours in the afternoon.
Attendees will get free access to the library of technical articles on aviation certification written by AFuzion and a selection of more than 40 certification documents including FAA, EASA, RTCA documents and checklist and plan templates.

Course organized by Doymus and taught by our collaborator Vance Hilderman.
The Trainer
Vance Hilderman
Vance, CEO and founder of AFuzion, began teaching DO-178 training courses in 1988. Since then, together with his team, he has trained more than 42,000 engineers in 35 countries, far more than the sum of all the courses conducted by all other trainers in the world.
AFuzion trained 80% of the world’s largest 600 aviation companies, plus is the primary trainer to EASA, FAA, and most Civil and Military aviation certification groups. Hilderman personally wrote the top two best-selling books on DO-178C and avionics certification.
Doymus, along with its partners, has trained more than 430 people in the last five years. Vance Hilderman is by far the highest rated trainer of all the courses organized by Doymus.

- Optimal DO-178 & 254 Engineering Route
- DO-178 Five Key Plans
- The Avionics System Document Hierarchy
- DO-254: The Terminology
- Criticality Levels
- Safety Assessment Concepts
- Safety Development
- PSAC Overview
- Quality Assurance Plan Overview
- Configuration Management Plan Overview
- Development Plan Overview
- Verification Plan Overview
- Software Requirements
- Design & Architecture
- Coding/Implementation
- The Verification Equation
- Software Testing & Static Analysis
- Structural Coverage Analysis
- Military Compliance to DO-178C and DO-254
- Data Flow and Control Flow with Coupling Analysis
- Reducing Costs and Schedules
- Five Key Plans
- Hardware Design Process
- Conceptual Design Process
- Detailed Design Process
- Implementation Process
- Hardware Verification
- DO-254 Best Practices
- A(M)C 20-152A
- DO-330: Tool Qualification
- DO-331: Model Based Development
- DO-332: Object Oriented Technologies
- DO-333: Formal Methods
- Intro to ARP4761 and ARP7461A
- Intro to Reliability Theory for safety analysis
- Common Cause Analysis for CMA, ZSA, and PRA
- Preliminary Aircraft and Systems Safety Assessments
- Modifying Aircraft & Systems
- Relationship with DO-178C & DO-254 and ARP4761
- Understanding the new ARP4761A - Overview
- ARP4754 vs. ARP4754A
- ARP4744A Planning - What is really required
- What is required for ARP4754A for FHA, PSSA, SSA
- Derived & Safety Requirements per ARP4754A
- System Requirements - What, Where, Why and How
- ARP4754A Documentation
- ARP4754A Verification & Validation
- ARP4754A Best Practices, Common Mistakes and Mitigating
- 178/254 Checklists
- Gap Analysis
- Cost, Estimation & Metrics
The standard price is €1,450 or US$1,550 per attendee.
Price discounts:
- Registrations made before January 10: €1,300 or US$1,400 per attendee.
- For 3 or more people, 20% discount.
Once we receive your registration request, we will send you an email to show you how to confirm it.