Code verification



June 30 - July 3, 2025


14:00 - 19:00 hours (CET Madrid)

Online training course

20 hours
4 days × 5h

It will not leave you indifferent

This course is focused on the methodology for the development and verification of programmable logic in FPGAs and SoCs using VHDL, following the safety standards required in mission critical projects.

Its objective is to present methodologies, tools and good design practices to successfully address FPGA verification.

It includes the realization of practical cases of VHDL code verification using the ModelSim tool where the certification evidences required by the security standards will be generated.

The course is oriented towards people with notions in the development of projects under security standards coming from the software field. Basic knowledge of VHDL is required.

The attendees will receive the course slides in pdf format and the different case studies solved.

The Trainer

Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer and Master in Robotics, with twenty years of experience in embedded systems. He combines experience in hardware and software development with critical systems certification.


   - Planning
- Requirements Capture
- Detailed Design
- Requirements Capture
- Detailed Design
- Implementation
- Verification & Validation

   - RTL versus behavioral code
- Good coding practices & coding standards
- Numeric libraries
- SEU Mitigation
- Fault-tolerant systems
- Secure your desing

   - Basics of regression testing
- HDL Simulation
- Cross-clock domain analysis
- Static timing analysis
- Netlist simulation
- Hardware testing

   - Functional coverage
- Assertions
- Constrained random verification

   - UVVM
- VUnit

   - Design tools and verification tools
- Tool qualification versus tool assessment

   - Creation of a demo project
- Python for VHDL testing
- Installing 3rd party libraries
- Libraries for data analysis
- Regression testing
- Generating test data
- Synthesis and implementation
- Back annotated testing


The standard price is €1,350 per attendee.

Price discounts:

  • Registrations made before May 30: €1,200 per attendee
  • Registrations of 3 or more people from the same company: 20% discount


Once we receive your registration request, we will send you an email to show you how to confirm it.

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