Source code analysis
with SonarQube

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New online course for work teams

Teams from one or more companies are welcome. This is not a public course.


It allows to automate the analysis of source code written in C/C++ and/or Java using the sonar-cxx and/or sonar-java plugins to add reports of analysis performed with other open source tools such as: cppCheck, Vera++, Checkstyle, SpotBugs and PMD. Finally, you can see the integration with Continuous Integration tools such as Jenkins or GitLab.

Characteristics of the course

The course content can be fully adapted to the client's needs. Therefore, it is oriented to a work team with a common open source methodology and tools.

Each module, which is taught in Spanish with slides in English, includes a theoretical part of 1 hour and a practical part of 3 hours. A laptop is required for the practical part.

It is distributed in 7 modules of 4 hours that can be taken as a whole or selecting those that are of interest to you.

As prerequisites, basic knowledge of C, C++ and/or Java programming languages is required.


  • Why Source Code Analysis (SCA)

  • Overview of Coding Style Standards

  • Analysis Tools: C/C++ and Java

  • Introduction to SonarQube

  • Lab: Running static analysis and visualizing the results in SonarQube

  • Overview of the sonar-cxx plugin

  • Integration with external tools: cppcheck and Vera++

  • SonarQube configurations: rules, quality profiles & quality gates

  • Lab: Running code analysis and interpreting the results in SonarQube

  • Overview of the sonar-java plugin

  • Integration with external tools: checkstyle, SpotBugs and PMD

  • SonarQube configurations: rules, quality profiles & quality gates

  • Lab: Running code analysis and interpreting the results in SonarQube

  • SonarQube system architecture

  • SonarQube servier configuration

  • SonarQube maintenance

  • Lab: SonarQube configuration, deployment and integration with external databases

  • Overview of the process to develop custom rules using sonar-cxx and sonar-java

  • Deployment of the custom rules to the server

  • Lab: Developing a custom rule

  • SonarScanner plugin for Jenkins

  • SonarQube continuous analysis with Jenkins and Git

  • Generating reports using SonarQube Web API

  • Lab: Jenkins configuration with SonarQube

  • GitLab CI/CD Pipelines Architecture

  • GitLab and SonarQube Integration

  • Lab: Developing a GitLab CI/CD pipeline using SonarQube

More information

The price of each module is 1,250 € for a maximum of 8 people.

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